"Widespread" Arbitrary Detention In Afghanistan: UN

27 March 2009

Ohchr 'UN Slams "Widespread" Arbitrary Detention In Afghanistan', The Daily Star, 27 March 2009

EXCERPT: "The United Nations yesterday criticised arbitrary detention in Afghanistan as widespread and unacceptable, calling for an immediate review in order to protect rights. The findings were presented in a report by the chief human rights officer of the UN mission in Afghanistan, Norah Niland, after more than 18 months spent monitoring Afghan detention facilities. The report, which monitored 2,000 Afghan detentions between November 2006 and July 2008, highlighted that Afghans were often detained without legal basis, including for 'so-called moral crimes'. The UN human rights officer could not provide the overall number of detainees, arbitrary detention facilities or arbitrary detainees in Afghanistan. It recommended the authorities clarify and strengthen oversight and accountability, and improve coordination between institutions."

To continue reading the article, click here.
To continue reading the "Arbitrary Detention: A Call to Action" report, click (Volume I) or (Volume 2) [pdf].

See also:
'Press conference by Norah Niland, Head, Human Rights Unit, UNAMA and Dr. Nilab Mobarez, Press Officer, UNAMA', ReliefWeb / UNAMA / OHCHR, 26 March 2009
'Afghan girls suffer for sins of male relatives', Institute for War & Peace Reporting, 26 March 2009
'Journalists decry Afghan arrests', BBC News, 24 March 2009

Related posts:
'Inmates die in Afghan jail clash', 5 December 2008
'UN: half of Afghan prisoners being detained without trial', 1 December 2008
'Children subject to abuse in Afghan justice system', 25 June 2008
'Inmates riot at high-security Kabul jail', 19 March 2008


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